Saturday, July 10, 2010

Authentic Italian: Great food, big family, beautiful setting

We're having a fabulous time with Marco, Chiara, their friends and family here at Pulicaro

Andrew making pasta fresca with Fiorella

Larissa making gnocchi

Pasta fresca under a mullberry tree.  From the right, Chiara (owner of Pulicaro), Chiara's parent's friends, Gigi (Chiara's father), Andrew, Clara (Chiara's mother), Marco (owner), Oliver (wwoofer from UK)


  1. How fun ! Learning to make pasta & gelato from italian masters is the best!
    With Fiorella & Gigi you are in a good place. Love the kitchen photos!

  2. Buddy,

    Miss you much. happy to have internet again and to be following your trip. AY Larissa!


  3. Hi Guys
    It seems your trip is full of wonderful food--but haven't seen any pounds on you yet. I will wait to see the effects of Turkish delight!
    The future spiderman is sure endearing! Give him a big hug from Vancouver.

  4. Larissa and Andrew,
    Cheers from Vancouver! Larissa, your photos are the last thing I look at before retiring for the evening, they are extraordinary. That misty fountain series from Bordeaux is pure magic. Andrew, I loved your synopsis of Florence; I don't remember graffiti when we were there, but even 24 years ago the city was looking a little worn at the heel. But, oh, the art!! Pulicaro seems to have a lot going on; I'm so proud of you two up to your elbows in animal feed, gnocchi, olive oil etc. Thanks for continuing to share your experiences with us.


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