Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A warm welcome at Camont

After a warm 'nice to meet you', Kate Hill - our gracious host - exclaimed that there were ducklings in the oven that we must come see! Oh, the joys of French cooking.  Turns out the ducklings were in the oven to keep warm while they hatched.  Long story short, Kate aided two through the shells, then we marched to the little duck pond, a mini parade towards the Arc with two newborn ducks followed by two nosy lambs.  This is life at Camont.  

As of this morning, all the ducklings survived the oven, this time . . .


  1. Lala for a min. I was going to travel over to you and tell you that I have no interest what so ever in roasting ducklings.
    Please send me a pic. of them.


  2. Dear Larissa and Andrew,

    I love that image of you guys parading with ducklings and lambs down to the pond after the oven birth.
    I am so enjoying this sojourn through southern France - thanks for sharing!
    Love, Mom

  3. testing, testing my new account

  4. Your post about the sweet ducklings made my day!

  5. I'm glad you all liked the duckling post! Check out the beautiful pictures Erika took. Her blog link is: http://erikahildegard.blogspot.com

    My hand is the one with the silver ring on it =)


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