Sunday, May 30, 2010
Where to next?

Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday in Ventenac
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
When in.. Roman France
But we're also fond of seeking out awesome rocks!
That's Larissa in Narbonne getting in touch with history. There's a 30x30 ft square hole in the village center displaying 2,000 year old Roman roads.
I mean, that's kind of crazy.
What are we leaving for those in year 4,000 to marvel at?
No doubt this blog will catch their attention. Stunning headlines will read, "Ancient Americans Travel Planet Earth, Discover Secret to ..ughh.. to Stuff, and Life."
Monday, May 24, 2010
Off the beaten track
Our first work exchange: La Fontenille
Provence with my parents!
A big shout out to that lovely pair. They had their trip set and booked while we were still planning and re-planning our itinerary. Once we started thinking about France as the first country, I started thinking about timing our departure with part of their stay. And before my mom could offer a "well I guess that's..", I was all over that invite.
No, but they were very happy to have us and we all had a great time. It was incredibly easy to get lost in Provence's straightforward beauty... The morning cafe blends in with the afternoon espresso, with the melon, prosciutto, and baguette and pastis, with the wine and bouillabaise, with the dirt roads flanked by vineyards and olive trees and lavender and mountains and mountain villages, with more wine that I expertly labeled as "yyeahh, awesome wine", with the bocce and pastis, with the cheese, and the sleep and repeat.
And then you see a few van Gogh's in St. Remy de Provence and that guy, along with his love of the area, starts to make a bit more sense.
So, thank you Mom and Dad!
Larissa and I have been planning, and re-planning, a big trip for a some time now. The idea started back in 2008 when we first met (aww) and it's festered ever since. Our initial plan was to either bike from Vancouver to San Diego, or from New York to San Francisco. We got pretty far into planning the latter -- I think we had New York through New Jersey mapped out -- and then we realized, shit, why don't we just go around the world?!
So we worked and saved, and planned through helpx and wwoof. More details on that later.
We're into the whole meeting people and food thing, so traveling the world in this fashion excited us. Soooo yeah, come follow us!